Scott's : Breaking News

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June 30, 2008 Breaking News

Micro-Trend: Electronic Pets

Mon, 30 Jun 2008 07:51:14 PDT
Pecha Kucha Ku-Cha von Daiwa Toys ist nicht ein typischer Roboter wie man sich ihn vorstellen mag. Eigentlich ist er (sie?) um einiges süßer. Neben seinem nicht technischen Äußeren, hat der kleine bonbonfarbene Bär eine eingebaute Funktion, die ihm einfache Fragen und Sprüche verstehen lässt.

McCain Campaign Creates Truth Squad

Mon, 30 Jun 2008 14:36:24 PDT News

US News Expands The Ranking Service

Tue, 14 Aug 2007 08:14:05 PDT
US News&World Report, an authoritative source for US university rankings has launched an auto ranking website in what seems to be an expansion move towards a general online ranking service. Hoch Tief Blog - Lets have high and low talk

Mon, 30 Jun 2008 15:47:07 PDT
A blog with high and low talk, blogging about everything in life, computers and seo, webhosting, real estate, travel and hotels, beauty and fashion, health and fitness, news and media, recreation and sports, everything you wanna blog about is there

Canada - Mortgage Insurance is NOT a sure thing

Tue, 12 Feb 2008 11:56:10 PST
"MarketPlace" was broadcasted on Feb 6 and re-ran on CBC NewsWorld on Feb 9. It was about claims made and declined by the major banks (and their underwriter Canada Life) regarding mortgage insurance that the borrowers took when they assumed their mortgage.Link:

Web 2.0, Social Networking, Appropriate for Business

Mon, 30 Jun 2008 05:28:02 PDT
So, after being in technology for more or less all of my adult life I am embarrassed to say that I have NOT been on the leading edge of those trends collectively called ‘Social Networking’. In fact, I have been something of a Social Networking Pariah, having only recently moved myself...

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