Scott's : Breaking News

4:30 PM

Montauk Monster Pictures

Source: Times of the Internet, USA

The Montauk Monster is fascinating the world. The so-called monster surfaced in the Hamptons. One thing is certain, it is an ugly beast. If this creature is real, it looks like God had an off day.

Here's the first photo of the Montauk Monster.

Of course no scientists have come forward to say that the Montauk Monster exists. That hasn't stopped several more witnesses from stepping into the breach, and announcing that they too have seen the ugly critter.

Another alleged picture has surfaced

Ryan O'Shea of Brooklyn claims he saw the Montauk Monster, and lived to tell about it.

"Everybody I showed her pictures to said it looks like a dead dog," he said.

"But looking at the claws, and at the teeth in the front, it looked like it could be something else, something vicious."

"I kept thinking, 'Boy, I hope its mother isn't around."

Whatever this thing is, it's certainly one of a kind. Right now, the original "discoverers" of the carcass say it's in safe keeping and they're in touch with scientists to learn more about its' nature.

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