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CBC Newsworld asks former “escort” for expert background re Spitzer

Wed, 12 Mar 2008 12:57:27 PDT
CBC Newsworld asks former “escort” for expert background re Spitzer CBC Newsworld anchor Nancy Wilson asks “a former escort” a question about the Democrat Eliot Spitzer, former Governor. Nancy Wilson: ...So Natalie McLennan just how surprised were you to hear the news about somebody who had this public profile like Eliot Spitzer getting caught? And here’s her answer: “I have to say I was very surprised, but at the same time, I wasn’t surprised at all.” At this point, I turned

CBC’s news anchor Nancy Wilson mischaracterizes story, as I see it

Wed, 12 Mar 2008 12:57:27 PDT
CBC’s news anchor Nancy Wilson mischaracterizes story, as I see it Just now, CBC Newsworld news anchor Nancy Wilson teased an upcoming Spitzer-story-related interview with these words: “Still ahead, why one woman stood by her man initially. We’ll talk with the former wife of an American politician who decided to tell the world he was gay -- that’s when CBC News continues.” But that wasn’t the real crux of the story at all. I knew what story she was teasing, instantly. I remember the

New York stocks up yesterday. Did you hear?

Wed, 12 Mar 2008 12:57:27 PDT
New York stocks up yesterday. Did you hear? You’ve all heard the liberals’ media as they’ve incessantly tried to will the U.S. into a recession. Every negative stat is reported. The minutia of potentially negative economic data that are usually mercifully ignored: analyzed to death. Positive news: spun as negative. Stock market falls: it’s all over the news. Some screen-captures of previous CBC coverage what I think they hope is U.S. economic Armageddon… The 400+ point gain yes

Official US study denies Saddam had links with al-Qaida

Thu, 13 Mar 2008 04:34:19 PDT
Incidentally, the 5th estate on CBC Newsworld has a show coming up on all the lies the Bush govt told leading up to the Iraq war. A US military study officially acknowledged for the first time yesterday that Saddam Hussein had no direct ties to al-Qaida, undercutting the Bush administration's central case for war with Iraq. The study, based on more than 600,000 documents recovered after US and UK troops toppled Saddam in 2003, concluded there was "no 'smoking gun' direct connection] betwe

How juicy political legends and myths like “Hidden Agenda” are written

Thu, 13 Mar 2008 14:58:11 PDT
How juicy political legends and myths like “Hidden Agenda” are written 1. As a general matter, simply watch the state-owned CBC Newsworld channel or any of a number of other liberal media outlets. Legends and myths appear as if out of nowhere. For example, just now: On the CBC Newsworld channel, in the middle of the newscast, a guest expert on all things political, Susan Delacourt, a political columnist from the liberal-left’s Toronto Star, suggested that Prime Minister Harper is an “unf

Street Fight Dvd Review

Mon, 17 Mar 2008 05:08:38 PDT
Local politics are on blast in this amazing documentary that highlights how politics are horrible. Seriously, horrible! The film surrounds a 2002 Mayoral race in Newark, New Jersey between Cory Booker & Sharpe James. This movie is urgent. This movie is not just a portrait of corruption, scandals, and how politics are so corrupt, it is a symbol of change and substance that we are hearing about today. This movie shook my foundation. THis movie shoved the political system into my face, and

CBC’s expert “news” source, Huffington Post: participants wish Dick Cheney dead

Mon, 17 Mar 2008 12:17:24 PDT
CBC’s expert “news” source, Huffington Post: participants wish Dick Cheney dead From what seems to be the source of sources for the far-left’s state-owned CBC Newsworld and their crack squad of news producers and anchors (see below), we get a taste of the left’s brain trust. This is how liberals at Huffington Post think when Vice President Dick Cheney visits Iraq, as he is now doing. (Blog entry about it from Little Green Footballs today) Huffington Post Forgets to Turn Off Cheney Comme

CBC Newsworld : Passionate Eye Monday : Documentary

Tue, 18 Mar 2008 01:53:25 PDT
The story that showed on news world tonight.This is just another example of the futility and expense in money and lives that is the drug war.

Forecast for Today’s News, March 18

Tue, 18 Mar 2008 10:48:21 PDT
Forecast for Today’s News, March 18 ...UPDATING through the day... • U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke will lower rate by up to a full point. • Barack Obama will make speech on “race” to deflect his hidden agenda in light of revelations about his pastor and his apparent anti-white-man, anti-American beliefs. • Yesterday’s federal By-election: Media will celebrate it as a Liberal victory—despite the fact that it really demonstrated Conservative gains—highlighting and totally fo

Spritz This, Procter & Gamble!

Fri, 21 Mar 2008 20:00:12 PDT
OK. The Home Made Stupid Squad (a moniker aptly used by my friend Jesse) strikes again! I seem to have struck a chord with this post, in more ways than one: not only did I get quite a few encouraging comments, but someone or a few someones at Procter & Gamble suddenly started reading this blog! Welcome! So, again today I tuned into Newsworld for my fix of news, and lo and behold, there was Madame Woodburn once more, this time tut-tutting in her posh accent about how having a "beautiful fra

CBC’s oft-used source for political experts —the Huffington Post —in new hate du jour

Wed, 26 Mar 2008 02:15:20 PDT
CBC’s oft-used source for political experts —the Huffington Post —in new hate du jour Here’s a bit of a post from the infamous Huffington Post web site, the web site which the state-owned CBC seems to use as a go-to place to secure folks to act as guest political experts for their Newsworld news channel. They ask questions of the Huffington Post experts in order to fully inform Canadians, CBC-style. Canadians, bereft of news otherwise, could, the CBC may well think, benefit from this kind of

A Viewer Speaks

Wed, 02 Apr 2008 08:05:29 PDT
WE GET A good group of commenters here in Sticksville. Lately, we've been hearing quite a bit from a young woman from the Prairies, who has an openminded attitude toward Canadian shows, and an engaged and passionate way of defending them. On the subject of all the changes going on at the CBC, I think she's expressed the necessary corrective point of view better than Richard Stursberg, Kirstine Leyfield, or anybody else at the public broadcaster has managed to do. So I'm bumping her comment here

CBC to cut Calgary Newsworld unit, hire more Alberta reporters (CBC Edmonton)

Thu, 03 Apr 2008 11:54:39 PDT
CBC News is shutting down the Calgary unit of its 24-hour Newsworld television service as of the end of May, and introducing additional positions for newsgathering, the public broadcaster said Thursday.

Supermodel Naomi Campbell accused of assaulting cop: report (CBC)

Thu, 03 Apr 2008 12:29:00 PDT
British supermodel Naomi Campbell has been arrested at Heathrow Airport's Terminal 5 and charged in connection with an assault on a police officer, according British media reports.

CBC to boost newsgathering in Alberta, but drops Calgary Newsworld programming

Thu, 03 Apr 2008 12:39:49 PDT
The CBC will dramatically increase resources devoted to covering local and national news in Alberta generally and Calgary and Edmonton in particular. Saying it’s moving to fulfill a commitment to local newsgathering announced nationally last year, CBC News will be doubling the number of newsgathering resources in Alberta by adding approximately 25 new assignments for television journalists based in Calgary and Edmonton to focus on local and national stories originating in Alberta. At the same

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